The Tasmanian Regional Aboriginal Communities Alliance (TRACA) aims to be an open, inclusive and transparent forum. Eligible full members are Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations in Tasmania. ACCO’s may apply in writing for consideration at the next meeting of TRACA. Members are required to be a formally constituted organisation. The Tasmanian Aboriginal Community Legal Service is a non-voting ex officio member. TRACA may appoint other ex officio members from time to time. Non-members may be invited to attend a meeting or may raise concerns in writing or with a member for consideration at the next meeting.
Seven TRACA member organisations cover a wide geographic area of Tasmania and its islands.

Circular Head Aboriginal Corporation in the northwest region
Flinders Island Aboriginal Association Inc on Flinders Island
Melythina tiakana warrana Aboriginal Corporation in the northeast
Parrdarrama Pungenna Aboriginal Corporation in the east coast and Tasman Peninsula
Six Rivers Aboriginal Corporation in the central and northern coast
South East Tasmania Aboriginal Corporation in the southeast
Weetapoona Aboriginal Corporation on Bruny Island