TRACA welcomes Aboriginal Land Return Discussion Paper
The Tasmanian Regional Aboriginal Communities Alliance (TRACA) has welcomed a review of the model for returning land to the Aboriginal Community as a crucial part of the Tasmanian Government’s Reset Agenda.
TRACA Co Chair Rodney Dillon said, “Aboriginal engagement and participation through decision-making is a must at local levels because they build true self determination for Aboriginal communities across Tasmania, which hasn’t happened in the past. Meeting those objectives will lead to economic development and economic security, as well as increasing social outcomes for our people.”
Dr Patsy Cameron, TRACA Co-Chair said, “This review will be an opportunity for our communities to have an input into land returns and land management issues that we haven’t had before.”
The Discussion Paper, “Improving the model for returning land to the Aboriginal community” is open for submissions until Thursday, 20 September 2018. Sections include land return, land acquisition, land management and governance.
The review will identify barriers to returning land, and seek options to improve the land return process. It presents an opportunity for Tasmania to explore Aboriginal rights to sea and freshwater country, consistent with proposed changes to expand the remit of the Indigenous Land Corporation (ILC) to include economic development on sea and freshwater country.
Face-to-face consultations will be available for Aboriginal community organisations and other key stakeholders. TRACA encourages all Aboriginal Tasmanians to have their say.
The Hon Jacquie Petrusma, Minister for Aboriginal Affairs said, “The return of land to Tasmania’s Aboriginal people is part of the Government’s Reset Agenda and has been an important way to progress reconciliation between Aboriginal and non-
Aboriginal Tasmanians.”
TRACA Land Return Media Release 16 08 2018
To date, the Tasmanian Government has returned 55,617 hectares of culturally and historically significant Crown land to Aboriginal people.
* The Aboriginal Lands Acts 1995 promotes reconciliation with the Tasmanian Aboriginal community by granting Aboriginal people certain parcels of land of historic or cultural significance. The Act provides for the establishment of the Aboriginal Land Council of Tasmania (ALCT), election of members to the Council and the return of land to the Tasmanian Aboriginal community.
* The return of more land to its original custodians forms a crucial part of the Tasmanian Government’s Reset Agenda. Reviewing the model for returning land to the Aboriginal community is the first step in this process. This review will identify barriers to returning land, and seek options to improve the land return process.
* The Department of Communities Tasmania invites the community to have their say about the model for returning land to the Aboriginal community. A Discussion Paper – Improving the model for returning land to the Aboriginal community has been developed to support the consultation.
The Tasmanian Regional Aboriginal Communities Alliance (TRACA) represents seven Tasmanian Aboriginal organisations. TRACA signed a Statement of Intent (SoI) with the State Government in December 2017 to commit to both parties working together to ensure Aboriginal people of Tasmania, and their family groups, can achieve full participation in the life and business of Tasmania.